Tag Archives: meditation

Blog – Conscious Creation

I received a message from Spirit for a client the other day.  She suffers from digestive distress.  I heard…
“Do you want to be free?  You will have to get free from chronic negative thoughts.   They sabotage your health and well-being and disrupt peaceful digestion of “what is”.   Make up your mind”.
If your thoughts and actions are out of integrity with what you say you want, you will never have what you want.  In this case, the client says she wants health and well-being but doesn’t expect to have it.  Doesn’t believe she can have it.  Her thoughts and spoken words question if it is truly possible.  She is denying what she wants when she asked, “Will I always struggle?”  She is focused on the struggle…
The struggle is a result of “early programming”.  Of course, we all want health and well-being.  But what if there is a part of you that is constantly telling you it is not possible based on your childhood experience to have it?  And, what if this thought is running in the background so that you are often not “aware” of it?  Then you are constantly opposing what you say you want…unknowingly. 
Science says, what we focus on becomes… We are creating unconsciously until we move into the conscious mind what is running us from behind.  It takes an intentional, conscious effort to do this and then realign or remove the thoughts that are opposing our good. One Minute Meditation is a powerful tool for doing just this! 

You cannot change what you are not aware of.  You may be very surprised at how often you are thinking about what you “do not want” when you become totally aware of your thoughts.  One Minute Meditation was a miracle for me in the baby days of my practice.  Stepping into my most fulfilling Highest Work, Spirit made it clear I would need a clear mind.  
It goes like this.  Set an intention to hear the thoughts you are often not aware of.  Every waking hour stop (set a timer) and focus on your breath for one minute.  Have a journal with you.  NO judgment of the thoughts is allowed; you would just be judging a child that “learned” the untruth about themselves. Just notice them and go back to your breathing.  Afterwards, write them down and re-align with what you want. 
For instance; if you are thinking about how a co-worker is stressing you out, you are lining up with what you do not want.  You can tell.  Your body responds with constriction.  You hold your breath.  You tense up.  This energy is not in alignment with health and well-being.   It is sabotaging your body’s inborn ability to heal itself.   Realignment example:  Say… “Peace is always at hand.  I choose peace.”  Breathe in peace…
I pray you find this helpful. 
In love, gratitude and service,


P.S.  Enjoy a sample from the book along with the delicious sample recipe below!

Get the book here:  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C1TKRR6W/

“Let’s face it — no one wants to suffer on the road to health. The recipes in this book are designed with everyone in mind and with one single goal — to deliver on my promise that healthy food TASTES GREAT! All it takes is a pinch of imagination and an ounce of knowledge. These recipes have been test driven to every kind of food lover, from “meat lovers” to “vegetable haters”.

Thank you to all my family, friends, and clients who experienced and put your stamp of approval on these recipes. The consensus is: This is a Delicious Way to Detox!

You will enjoy these recipes long after detox. And, they are compatible with most 10-day detox programs. Choose from a variety of fantastic, simple to prepare meals, snacks, and smoothies. These recipes are easy to follow. I’ve even included what staple foods and tools you will need in addition to tips that will make you a rock star in the kitchen. You add the love and the food will LOVE you back!

Give your body the “clean slate” it needs to get on the right track to good health. If you are trying to nail down what foods might be causing you problems, this book naturally removes the most common allergens such as: corn, wheat, soy, dairy, eggs and all additives and preservatives. You will easily be able to determine after detox which of these foods are irritating to your body by adding them back to your diet gradually, one at a time*. Along the way you will lose your cravings for fake, processed foods and start craving, delicious, fresh, bright flavors from the good green earth.

*Want to know what foods are most compatible to your body before you begin? Go here to schedule an Intuitive Food Compatibility Session with Gail: https://www.foodrevelation.com/schedule/

“The Taste buds don’t care if the food is plant, animal or healthy
as long as it’s delicious!”

Getting to the “Energetic Root of Dis-ease”

Pablo credit

You have probably heard me say often:  “Our health is a reflection of what we eat and “think”.  Most importantly what we think.   This is the topic of the “2nd Missing Link to Abundant and Sustainable Health” in the Evolution of Free Health book series I keep threatening to publish (still in progress).   I will probably have it all shared piecemeal before in is actually bound in a book!

We now know everything is energy; the physical body…even a rock.   The vibration of the energy determines the denseness of it.  For instance, the energy of health is much lighter than the energy of illness.  It is easy to feel that.

The most powerful energy of all is the “energy of the mind”.   The thought is the first step in the creative process of bringing the unseen into our physical reality.   A prescription drug doesn’t get approved by the FDA until it proves it “can” be more effective than the mind (placebo effect).

Nothing was ever created that wasn’t thought of first.  Born of a Source Creator, we are creators.   What we create is our individual and collective experience.  We are one with all of creation and our creations affect the whole.  If we want to change the world we must start changing our own experience…first.

We create matter (our physical experience) by what “matters” to us; it is where we direct our focus.  What matters may be very unconscious.  For instance; being right may really matter to us even if we are not aware of it.  

We are always creating consciously or unconsciously.  What we focus on determines how we feel.  These feelings are powerful rocket fuel for our creations.  What we cannot see but only feel is the energy of our emotions, but like the wind and electricity we can certainly see the effects of them in our life.  They drag us around through one trauma/drama after another until we realize they are bringing amazing wisdom and contrary to what we may have been taught, they CAN be trusted.

Chronic pain or chronic illness is the body’s “physical” response to an energetic cause.

Emotions follow thoughts, not the other way around.   Our emotions are the very barometer that measures the quality of our thoughts and creations.   If our thoughts are happy and lovely, then we feel happy and lovely.  If our thoughts are stressful and full of fear then we feel fearful and stressed out. 

By learning to feel our emotions (something for many, were not allowed to do as a child), it is easy to gage where our thoughts are.  Our body gives us huge clues if we will only pay attention. 

Our body expands with happy thoughts.  We can breathe deep.  We can relax.   Angry or fearful thoughts constrict the body.  You may not be able to take a deep breathe or your belly may be in knots.   I realized through my work that many have been constricted for so long they have forgotten how to breathe.  Watch a baby breath and follow their lead.   It may take a little practice if it has been awhile since you took a real deep belly breath.  The skin on my scalp gets tight when I start to get aggravated (it contracts).

So how do we change our thinking so we can feel more happy and less stressed? We must first become aware of our thoughts if we ever have a chance of changing them.  Depression (strong emotional pain) is a strong indicator that it is time to bring the thoughts running in the background that are running the show into the foreground; into the light of consciousness. 

The hard knock of depression can be very painful.   We may try to cover up the pain with pain-numbing drugs (legal or not and sometimes necessary in extreme circumstances).  However, if we want to be happy and healthy, we must eventually open the door to the beliefs that are running us. 

Depression was the “near death experience” that led me to an awakening.   I was suicidal.   What does “awaken” mean?  It means to become aware.  Aware of my thoughts.  It meant leaving behind much of what I had learned to be and becoming aware of who I am; a Child of God…unlimited in nature.   My awakening experience led me to the realization that all life experiences are uncovering our Truth and leading us into freedom. 

“Life is a Revelation.  We are being revealed along the way”. 

What is running in the background of our (subconscious) is our early programming.  What we’ve learned from our experience in the womb, through birth and our early years.  We have formed beliefs even before we had words for them…for instance; many learn what love isn’t if they grew up without a good mirror reflecting what love is.   With the understanding of a child we form our belief system and then we defend it with our life…literally.   Our life experiences are a reflection of what we believe about life and love.

I’ve come to realize from working with hundreds that one particular early event is “a catalyst to awakening”.  When this event (long buried and forgotten) is brought into the light, a new understanding dawns.  It is easy to see the patterns in life; the habits, the chronic thoughts all based on a story created in a mind of a child that was never true.  With this new understanding comes compassion and forgiveness for ourselves and others as we begin to understand that everyone is reacting from learned experiences and doing the best they can with what they’ve learned.

We all want to be happy, healthy, prosperous and abundant (it’s our divine right), but for many, unconscious thinking opposes conscious intention.  If you grew to believe you are “not enough” you will create lack.   If you believe deep down you are “unlovable” you will create circumstances to prove it.   It is very easy to fall into the trap that we are just a victim of circumstance with no power to change unless we uncover the thoughts opposing our good.

The good news…we have the ability to bring into the light what is not serving our good and create a reality that does.   If we can create what we don’t want, we can just as easily create what we do.

A process for bringing into the light what is ready to be seen was revealed to me a few years ago.  It is the process I use for myself and clients when an emotional trigger is tripped.  

Every time we have an experience that goes against an underlying belief it creates friction and triggers an emotion.  It is the same emotion that was initially produced with the event that created it as a child.

The people that get on our “ever-last nerve” or “push or buttons” or the situations that inexplicably drive us crazy are all shining a light on an underlying belief (a judgement).  If you are the one being tweaked then the one doing the tweaking is doing you a favor.  You have been given an opportunity to look within and undercover the sore spot and heal it.  The belief is always based in a judgment of self.

The most common belief, “I’m unworthy” (of happiness, success, love, abundance, etc.).   We may resist doing this detective work for a bit or a long while (I can attest!), but we will not find peace until we answer the knock.  This journal is a tool for opening and healing our hurts.

This “Emotional Thought Journal” will:

  1.  Help you identify chronic negative thoughts.  For example, the “I can’t” and “I’m not” thoughts; “I can’t afford…”. “I’m not smart enough…”.   Just like chronic illness these chronic thoughts are knocking hard on your door of awareness.  This process will help you open the door.
  2. Give you a safe space to allow your inner child to speak and feel without fear of judgment.  Many have learned as children that showing emotions was not a good idea.  Were you ever told as a child, “Big boys don’t cry” or “Stop crying before I give you something to cry about”?  You may have pushed emotions down deep.
  3. Help you gain compassion for yourself and others knowing you have done the best you can with what you were given (learned) and so has everyone else.  Remember, “Hurt people – hurt people”.

Here is how the process works:  
Get a journal that is convenient to have with you at all times.  For men, this may mean one you can keep in your pocket.

On the front cover write:

Dear Thoughts and Emotions,
“I see you.”
“I feel you.”
“I honor you.”
“I love you”
You have my undivided attention.

Now that you have created the framework and are willing, you will become more aware of your thoughts.  I promise.  Pay attention to the chronic ones and the emotions they create.  These are the ones you are going on a date with. 

Try to define the emotion the thought is creating rather than generalizing.  For instance, instead of calling it anger or stress, go deeper.  How do you realy feel? Disappointed? Resentful? Jealous? Envious? Or, overwhelmed?  You get the idea.  You may not be in a position to dig into this in the moment.  That’s okay.  Just move to the next step…

Open the journal and enter a date and time when the thought and emotion came up.  What event triggered it?  Whisper a “thank you” to the person or event for the opportunity to heal.   Make a date with it.  Be sure you set the date where you can give at least 10 minutes of your undivided, uninterrupted attention to this part of you that wants to speak….alone.

You will notice much to your pleasant surprise, the thought will now leave you alone.  It has been acknowledged and honored.  If you break your date you will be reminded again.

When you meet with your date, take a few deep clearing breathes and settle into your heart space, just  like you would for prayer or meditation and say out loud:

“You have my undivided attention.  I am listening with open ears, an open mind and an open heart.  Tell me a story…”

Take another deep clearing breath and wait patiently and quietly.  Allow whatever comes up.  The child may judge his or herself however you are just a willing observer.  You’re only job is to listen and feel deeply.  You may want to cry…then cry.  You may want to kick and scream…then do it.  You may want to make sure you are very alone for this so you do not feel any hesitation.

When you feel spent and empty (like after a good cry) you are done with the session and may be done period.  This may talk longer than 10 minutes.  Just feeling the feeling may be all that is needed to heal this sore spot or there may be more…

Note:  It may take several dates before your inner child feels safe enough to speak.  Don’t push.  If you begin to feel frustrated or impatient, it is time to stop.  Trust will develop as you continue the dates.

You will know when all is forgiven and healed.  The trigger will be deactivated.  The button is no longer pushed.  You may have the random thought, but it will not hold the same charge.

I hope you find this helpful.  If you have any questions or I can help in any way, please reach out.

In love and gratitude,



photo credit/Karen Guthrie

Curious if a Food IS Talking Intuitive Food Compatibility
Session with The Intuitive Chef can help you?  Schedule a “No Charge” 15 minute exploratory session here: https://www.foodrevelation.com/schedule/

About Gail:

Gail Blair’s intuitive journey began as she began working her passion for food in 2009. In 2012 she birthed “Food Revelation” not having clue how relevant the name would prove to be.   Shortly thereafter she experienced a “spiritual awakening” and her intuitive gifts were ignited. 

As a plant-based chef turned Food & Medical Intuitive she has helped hundreds remember their God-given health through her “Food IS Talking” Intuitive Food Compatibility process.

Over the years, as her gifts have expanded, she has become a conduit for revelation (the name she gives to the Divine Wisdom she receives).  The 7 most important revelations led her to create the Evolution of FREE Health books and video series. The “Evolution of FREE Health” is the remembrance of our natural, God-given health. 

The first book released at the end of 2016, “The Quinoa Cookbook Journey” is a super creative and tasty introduction into the series. The 2nd book in the Evolution of FREE Health series, “The 7 Missing Links to Abundant & Sustainable Health” is the focus of her latest speaking tour and workshops.

Keep up with Gail at:
Intuitive Chef Gail Blair on YouTube

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or licensed nutritionist.  I am an intuitive.  Services and information provided in the form of tips, recipes, and nutrition advice does not qualify as a substitution for your medical doctor’s protocol or advice. I encourage you to trust your instincts and do what feels right to you, but seek guidance from your doctor concerning your health and wellness.

The Power of the Creative Moment

“We are in the “Presence” of our Creator (God if you will)
when we are in the creative moment”.

I experienced this in a most real way this weekend and yesterday as I worked in the kitchen training two new chefs so I can expand myself and stay focused on the healing work that is mine to do and the books that are mine to publish.

I’ve learned there is “Nothing for Nothing”.  There is Good to be uncovered in all things. Situations that seem most inconvenient can lead us into massive, mind-bending revelations if we remain open to them.    

What was the inconvenience?  My air conditioner went out this last Friday evening .   Terrible timing!   Not only are we in the “Dog Days” of summer in Texas, my son (an A/C guru) had just left town.  “After hours and weekend services” (emergencies) are super expensive.    I knew my son would be back on Sunday evening and I was willing to wait it out.

However, leaving for cooler shelter was not an option…I was committed to training these chefs Saturday, Sunday and Monday.  I needed them trained this weekend for chef services already committed to.  I texted them and explained the situation, telling them I would totally understand if they wanted to re-schedule.  One said “no problem”.  She has owned several restaurants and is used to hot kitchens.   “If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen”…right?   Things shifted with the other and she ended up coming on Monday (I thought the A/C would be fixed by then).   As it happened I ended up not cooking on Saturday. It was late Monday night before the air-conditioning was up and running.

Over the course of the day on Monday all three  of us experienced the same “ah ha”.  When we were focused on the cooking; totally engaged in creativity, we were completely unaware of the heat.  We started at 92 degrees and ended at 97. (Saturday was not so bad.  The house had not had enough time to really heat up.)

We noticed at one point none of us had broken a sweat!  As soon as we brought our focus back into our surroundings we begin to notice the heat.  It was only then that we became uncomfortable and wet. 

What could have been a miserable experience, became a pleasant and even at times a joyful and fun one, full of awe and wonder as we became aware of this phenomenon. 

What became so clear to us through this experience?  What we focus on becomes our reality.  This is Quantum Physics in a nutshell.    And, the world disappears as we come into the Creative Presence.

“There is a way to be in the world and not of it”.  This is the way.   We are spirit having a human experience.  We are in a body, but what the body experiences does not define us or change who we truly are.  

“Nothing we could ever think, say or do will ever change what is True”.

When we are in our creative, infinite, undefinable state of being, we are living our True Nature as timeless spirit.

I challenge you today to prove this to yourself.   Our faith is reinforced through experience.   Change you focus, or as a client so eloquently said the other day, “Take a Shift!”   Shift the focus of your thoughts and see what happens.    Take note of what happens when you are in “creative mode”.  Bear witness to how the world disappears and with it any discomfort as you come fully into the present moment. 

I would love to hear about your “Creative Moment” experiences with this experiment.  Email me…[email protected]

Here’s to your Peace, Joy, LOVE and Abundant Health!

P.S.  Stay tuned for “Could Mindfulness be the Cure for Forgetfulness”.

God’s Birthing Place



I awoke this morning feeling heavy with uncertainty.  So uncomfortable with the unknown.  Wondering what is next.  This new empty space feels so unfamiliar…even foreign – So BIG.

I find myself wanting to fill the void with something, anything.  I find myself judging the void stillness makes.

I feel my body constrict and then tears of release, a letting go flow.  I breathe deep and feel this nothingness expand around me.

I’m reminded this is the space I created with my willingness to let go of the old and make room for the new.  The expansiveness I feel is the fruit of my labor.   My heart is full of gratitude and my mind is open.  I whisper a thank you…

In this space are my dreams, my desires.  I can see them.   I can feel them on the inhale, just waiting to be exhaled.

And, then I am startled by this thought that arrives on its own from a place now familiar.  This nothingness, this space is where God creates.  It is God’s Birthing Place…..

The Comfort of Fall

The Comfort of Fall

Fall has arrived!  I was going to say fall is my favorite time of year.  And, then a small voice said, “No it isn’t”.   I realize I’ve come to appreciate every season equally.

The wind feels different in the fall, don’t you think?  It has a heavier, soothing, caressing texture, like a favorite blanket.

The fall’s light falls on my body differently – not as intense.  I can easily and with comfort turn my face into it, soaking up the rays that nourish my body and spirit.

Autumn is comfortable.  The colors comfort.  The air is comfortable.  It invites a comfortable pace – a slowing down.   All of nature sighs….Ahhhhhh.

In these times of stress and chaos unfolding around us, fall reminds us to take a deep, luscious breath.  It reminds us to take time to get out of our mind and perceive with the senses all the beauty, abundance and peace surrounding us.  It reminds us to take time to soothe our wounds.

Bring into your being the peace this season is bringing. Take a breath with nature.  Soak it in.  Let it fortify and strengthen you.  Let it heal you.

Be good to yourself.  The best thing you can do for the world right now is take good care of yourself.  You cannot give away what you do not have; and what you have you are giving to the world either consciously or unconsiously.

Fall brings comfort in many ways.  Can you say “Comfort Food”?  I’m making one of my favorite fall recipes today and I thought of you.  I hope you enjoy this as much as I’m going to.

May you find comfort and peace in all seasons of life,

Chef Gail

Comfort Stew

2 tablespoon  Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 tablespoon butter (or more olive oil for vegan version)
2 leeks, clean and chopped with a little of the green part
2 shallots, minced
1 cup button or baby bella mushrooms, roughly chopped
1 teaspoon fresh chopped rosemary (or ½ tsp dried)
1 teaspoon fresh chopped tarragon (or ½ tsp dried)
3 tablespoon oat or rice flour
¼ cup dry white wine, optional (chardonnay is good)
1 ½ cup vegetable stock, give or talk (I love organic Better Than Bouillon concentrate in a jar)
¾ cup organic milk (So Delicious coconut milk beverage, unsweetened for vegan version)
2 tablespoon of nutritional yeast (optional for a richer broth and adds more protein)
2 dashes fresh grated nutmeg (or ground)
1 teaspoon sea salt and cracked pepper or to taste
1 bunch collard greens, chopped (boil or sauté until just tender and still bright green)
1 can black eyed peas, drained and rinsed
2 cups cubed butternut squash, prepared (sweet potatoes works well too)

Preheat large skillet over medium high (I love to use my huge iron skillet for this).  Add butter and oil and swirl to coat skillet.  Add mushrooms, shallots and leeks to hot skillet with a dash of sea salt.  Sauté for about 3 minutes then add herbs.  Stir frequently until leeks are translucent and mushrooms have released their moisture (5-7 minutes total).

Add flour to mixture stirring for a minute until well blended.  Deglaze pan with wine and simmer for a minute.  Add broth and bring to high simmer.  Gradually add milk stirring constantly until sauce is thickening.  Stir in nutritional yeast and nutmeg.  Add salt and pepper to taste.   Fold in collards. peas and sweet potatoes.

Serve with a rustic, crusty cornbread (recipe below), polenta or quinoa.

Classic Iron Skillet Cornbread
Gluten-free, Diabetic Friendly with Vegan Option

1 cup stoneground organic cornmeal
½ cup polenta (coarse ground grits)
½ cup oat flour (replace ¼ cup oat with ¼ cup tapioca flour for lighter texture)
¼ teaspoon xanthan gum, optional (Replaces gluten so the cornbread holds together better)
½ teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon sea salt
2 tablespoon pure maple syrup (or powdered Stevia for non-sugar version)
1 egg gently beaten (or egg replacer for vegan version)*
½ cup organic applesauce (unsweetened)
1 ½ cups more or less of buttermilk (or unsweetened, plant-based milk for vegan version)
Note:  If using plain milk add 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar to milk
1 tablespoon grass-fed butter (Earth Balance for vegan version)

Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees.   Place iron skillet** in oven while preheating and mixing together ingredients.

In large bowl mix together dry ingredients.  In another bowl, whisk together all wet ingredients. Add wet ingredients to dry, mixing until just blended.  Do not over mix or you will have flat bread.  Batter should be very thick but pourable.

Add butter to hot skillet and tilt to evenly coat the bottom and sides. Pour batter evenly into skillet.  Place skillet on center rack in oven and bake for about 35 minutes or until golden on top and a toothpick comes out clean.  Allow to cool for about 10 minutes before cutting.  (Remove bread from iron skillet before cutting!).

*Vegan Version Egg Replacer; 2 tablespoon ground flaxseed mixed with 4 tablespoon water.  Let stand for a few minutes until thickened.

**Note:  You can use a muffin tin, glass or metal pan for this recipe.  However; a good iron skillet is an excellent source of iron for a plant-based diet.  When it is well seasoned it is virtually “non-stick” and a joy to cook with.

photo credit/Karen Guthrie

Curious if a Food IS Talking Intuitive Food Compatibility
Session with The Intuitive Chef can help you?  Schedule a “No Charge” 15 minute exploratory session here: https://www.foodrevelation.com/schedule/

Gail’s “Intuitive Chef” journey began unfolding in 2009 as a plant-based chef.  foodRevelation.com, birthed in 2011 was the natural result of following her creative passion – recipe creation and cooking.

Shortly thereafter, she experienced a “spiritual awakening” and discovered her intuitive and spiritual gifts.  As a food and medical intuitive, she has helped hundreds all over the U.S. and Canada remember their God-given health and in-born intuition through private sessions, private and public cooking classes and workshops.

Many revelations have been revealed along the way.  Her latest book, “Quinoa Cookbook Journey” (see link below) is the first book in a series entitled “Evolution of FREE Health”. It provides a gentle and tasty glimpse into these revelations and the resulting experiences.  Being revealed next in this series is, “The 7 Missing Links to Abundant Health”.

Gail currently lives in a small town in North Texas with her furry friends Molly and Mo.  In addition to the joy of cooking and recipe creation, she finds great pleasure in long leisurely meals with family and friends, reading, writing; quiet walks in nature and sleeping under the stars.


For more about Intuitive Chef Gail – https://www.foodrevelation.com/about/